Join the largest virtual climate rally on the planet.


Action builds hope

Hope builds action

Let’s show the world that One Billion people have hope for our planet’s future. Let’s show the world how many of us actually care.

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Our Goal
1 Billion

Last update: 11/12/2023 11:15 am


Why &
What’s Next


It starts With Hope.

We believe something powerful can be unlocked when we can show the sheer number of people in the world who love planet earth and are concerned about climate change. A billion people is an enormous audience that carries real momentum for change. Real change never starts from a place of fear: it always starts from a place of hope. When lots of people come together, it generates hope. That’s why we gather. One billion people gathered online will be the largest rally ever.

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Climate Hypocrites Included.

For every person who has the courage to show up in-person to a climate rally (there have literally been hundreds of millions of these brave souls over the years), there are millions more who believe in the cause but are afraid to show up and call themselves “activists”. We need to include this much larger group of people if we want to build coordinated momentum on transformative climate action. That starts right here, with one small click.

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Steps Two & Three & Four.

Honestly, we’re not exactly sure what comes next, but we’re sure it will move us faster towards where we need to go. And I’m certain that with an audience of one billion people, there will be thousands, if not millions, of smarter people than us who will have incredible ideas for what to do next. If that sounds like you, please drop us a email at!

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Please Take This And Make It Better.

This activation is merely scaffolding for other smarter, more influential and more resourceful people than us to latch on to. We want to hear from you. We want others to make this a tipping point for transformative climate action leading into 2025.

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The Urgency IS Real.

I understand why some climate activists feel compelled to resort to civil disobedience – like closing bridges, roads and airports – to get the word out. I also understand the point of view of people who don’t agree with them, and feel those tactics are extreme. Yet, neither group is right or wrong. We MUST find a way to come together if we want to influence change in the next several years. This campaign feels like the most obvious way to begin that journey together.

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What is 1Day1Billion?

It’s the largest online climate rally on the planet. It’s a moment in time to demonstrate  how many people from around the world care about planet Earth and are concerned about climate change. Think Earth Day March on steroids, leveraging the power of addictive social platforms, but this time for good.  

What are you trying to accomplish?

This is an honest attempt to inject some hope about  this daunting challenge we are all facing. To show exactly how many people care about this issue and that we CAN come together to join forces. It’s an attempt to create a tipping point in history in which  a critical mass of people from around the world commit to transformative action against climate change, starting with small, meaningful changes.

How can I get involved?

Good news! You must already be involved if you’re reading this sentence. Learn more about ways to help us spread the word and hit our one billion target before Earth Day 2024. 

Where did 1Day1Billion
come from?

This began from re-reading Malcolm Gladwell’s book Tipping Point and wondering how this could get applied to our climate crisis. For there, it evolved over the years toward this very moment. For all the millions of people who have shown up in-person to climate rallies, I’m amazed how small our online footprint is. And, for every person, who has ever attended a climate rally, I’m betting (my daughter specifically) there are at least a thousand who would attend but are intimidated to call themselves “climate activists”. This is where the real change needs to happen. The more of us who put our hands up and say we want to effect change (even if we don’t know what that is yet), the faster this all moves in the right direction.

How is this going to actually create change?

Change starts with small actions. As Michael Jordan would say, “It starts with hope”. We’ve never started this climate-crisis conversation (and it is very much “a crisis”) from the point-of-view of hope. If we want to accelerate global change on this topic, we need to show the world how many people believe it is possible. A billion voices are a powerful tipping point towards more action.

What happens if we don't reach one billion?

Then we try again. I’ll be the first to admit that this wee attempt by my daughter and I might miss the mark on a global scale. But if we do, we’ll keep moving forward. It’s simply a matter of time.

How can I encourage others to 
get involved?

Think about the most influential (powerful?) people you know. These are the folks in the world we need to get behind this to help steer the herd towards glory. I guarantee you know someone with more influence than yourself. Shake their tree and get them to shake bigger trees.

About Us

There is no big corporation or NGO behind this. We are just a father and daughter who live in Vancouver, Canada. We’re not climate activists but we are deeply in love with the ocean and planet Earth.

We simply want to help spark a tipping point, a moment of hope in the world, by trying something that just maybe has never been tried before. We want to help move our herd along a little faster – including ourselves. 

To be honest, my teenage daughter doesn’t think we can get a billion people in the world to agree on anything these days. I disagree!
